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What is Autopsy Imaging (Ai) Center?


Ai center is the autopsy center using the forefront medical technology. Up to the present, 97% cause of death was diagnosed only physical surface exam except the community with medical examiner system (only 5 cities ex Tokyo 23 wards). Residual 3% cause of death was performed autopsy, but the adaptation was also decided by surface examination of a body.
Ai center is introduced the Imaging diagnosis system for autopsy and make secision the propriety of autopsy by scientic method and at the same time Autospy imaging also make diagnosis.
The new method to clear up the cause of death is the natural right for the people. Ai center is the bridgehead for protection the right.



The term of Ai center.

It is the system which can contribute to accuracy of cause of death elucidation (investigation) by taking in forefront medical image scan and a diagnosis of state-of-the-art about the cause of death that has been overlooked by the naked eye.
In addition, the imaging data is possible to save as objective data at the time of death, and medical connection death was suspected, it is possible for perpetuation of evidence in fairness, a situation neutral justly, and imaging data can offer anytime.
Autopsy integrated which, in addition, was integrated and a general idea to say include technique to say Autopsy imaging to conventional pathology / legally-ordered autopsy unless I mean adhesion of Autopsy( dissection )+Imaging( image) for a meaning of Ai.
A meaning of "Kenshi" is included in English of Autopsy, too. We have a meaning of "Kenshi" for imaging diagnosis performed in this center.


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Ai center reception:
TEL 043-222-7171 (extension 6300) FAX 043-226-2266 TEL FAX receptionist time: From 9:00 to 16:30
Charge: Lecturer at department of radiology Seiji Yamamoto, MD (inside the hospital PHS 72724)